Previous Editions


Thurston Moore Group, Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble, Zion Train, Leeroy Thornhill, Shame, Orkestar Svetlost, Dente, Nada, Niccolò Fabi, Calibro 35, Redi Hasa, Valerio Daniele, Amedeo Pace, Rodrigo D’Erasmo, Clap!Clap!, Ada Oda, Federico Dragogna, Fuera, Leatherette, Bluem, Okgiorgio, Tony Scorpioni, Insintesi, Leland Did It, Hey!Himalaya, In Arte Gianfreda are the guests of the seventeenth edition of Coolclub’s SEI Festival, which until August 16th (presales active on Dice and TicketOne) will offer its musical journey around Salento with the claim My Desire.

  The program will officially kick off on Friday, June 23rd (ticket 10 euros + dp with a glass of wine – presales active on DICE bit.ly/WelcomePartySEIF) with a Welcome Party hosted by Garofano Vigneti e Cantine at the Tenuta Li Monaci in Copertino. In fact, the tradition wants that on St. John’s Night (which separates June 23rd from June 24th) purifying rites are performed, wild herbs and flowers are gathered, fires are lit and wait for the morning dew. From 7:30 PM we start by walking in the vineyard , sipping a first glass of wine and listening to a selection of music on headphones. From 8 PM the actress Marzia Quartini will propose “On a Night like this…”, tales and stories about the most magical night of the year. From 9 PM in the atrium of the masseria, instead, at the start the DJ sets with Marco Erroi, composer, DJ, producer and sound engineer from Salento, and Godblesscomputers, beat maker, producer and DJ moved by an early passion for samplers and vinyls who offers a borderless journey between electronics, hip-hop and soul. Also on the program are Soundies screenings curated by Seeyousound International Music Film Festival, the first italian festival entirely dedicated to music-themed cinema. The twenty tracks/clips presented in the ninth edition of Seeyousound which enclose what is most original and incisive on offer in today’s immense global video clip scene, will be screened again. In fact, Soundies opens a reflection on the power of music to call to mind memories through images, emphasizing the natural relationship between image and sound.  

On Saturday, June 24th (9:30 PM – free entrance) in the atrium of the Castello Volante of Corigliano d’Otranto, the winner of the SEI D’Autore contest will be known and will take part of the festival’s official lineup. After the performance of Melga, Sirada, Stain and Vitiana, the second evening (planned for June 10th and postponed due to rain) will see I.F.I.F., Matilde, Tario and Meschino confront each other. Following this, Lauryyn will present tracks from Intro, a debut EP being released by Sun Village Records with the support of Puglia Sounds Records of the Region of Puglia.  

After the first two events, there will be many international guests at this edition of the SEI Festival, starting with Thurston Moore, a legend and icon of alternative rock, co-founder of Sonic Youth, who on Sunday, July 16th (10 PM – ticket 25 euros) in the Moat of the Castello Volante of Corigliano d’Otranto will land with his timeless creative energy, and Goran Bregovic who on Friday, August 11th, will return with the Wedding and Funeral Band to Melpignano, eleven years after his experience as Maestro Concertatore of the Notte della Taranta. An evening not to be missed also for the presence of the New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble. In fact, the unmistakable sound of the U.S. band, formed in 1994 and led by upbeat music legend Fred “Rocksteady” Reiter, will open the performance of the Sarajevo musician. From July 27th to 29th, the Castello Volante of Corigliano d’Otranto will host a three-day festival of rock, art music and electronics with English band Shame and Leatherette from Bologna (Thursday, July 27th), Calibro 35, a cult super band formed by Tommaso Colliva, Fabio Rondanini, Massimo Martellotta and Enrico Gabrielli, and Federico Dragogna of the Ministri with his solo project (Friday, July 28th), Bluem, Okgiorgio, Tony Scorpioni and Clap! Clap! (Saturday, July 29th). At the Castello Volante also the evenings with Zion Train, Leeroy Thornhill and Insintesi (Wednesday, August 9th) and Ada Oda, Leland Did It, Hey!Himalaya (Thursday, August 10th). SEI Festival will also dedicate space to Italian author music with Niccolò Fabi’s solo tour (Tuesday, August 8th, in Corigliano d’Otranto), Nada’s rock but at the same time intimate and profound show (Sunday, August 13th, at the Chiostro dei Teatini in Lecce) and Dente’s unmistakable style, with opening act In Arte Gianfreda (Wednesday, August 16th, at Castro’s Castello Aragonese). The festival will also offer two appointments at KORA – Contemporary Arts Center in Castrignano de’ Greci: the final concert of the residency, curated by Apulian composer and musician Donato Epiro, with the Serbian experience of Orkestar Svetlost (Friday, July 8th) and the trio Fuera which mixes rap, techno and psychedelic sounds (Monday, August 7th). Don’t miss the sunrise concert on Sunday, August 6th, in Castro with “My Nirvana.” A project conceived and coordinated by violincellist Redi Hasa, who reinvents the songs that marked a turning point in the history of world rock and transforms them through the unique and recognizable sound of the cello into “monostrumental polyphonies,” in new hymns of sweetness and yearning. His performance will be embellished by the presence of guitarist Valerio Daniele and the participation of Rodrigo d’Erasmo, violinist, composer, arranger, conductor and multi-instrumentalist, and Amedeo Pace, guitarist and singer, co-founder, leader and main composer of the indie rock band Blonde Redhead.

  The artist poster for this edition, on the claim “My Desire,” was designed and created by Massimo Pastore. In 1947, French artist Henri Matisse, using the technique of papiers decoupès technique, created an Icarus who doesn’t fly toward the sun as in the Greek myth but floats in a starry sky and “sings” the joy of living. From this suggestion, the illustrator set out to design the poster for the 17th edition. This new Icarus, however, is transformed by recalling the mighty walls and ancient towers of castles and palaces that, every year, host concerts and festival events. SEI FESTIVAL Since 2006, SEI – Sud Est indipendente Festival, one of the most important festivals in the musical agenda of all southern Italy, has brought to Salento the most interesting sounds of Italian and international music, offering the public a wide and varied overview of music from punk to songwriting, from rock to ska, from folk to upbeat rhythms, from electronic to the new Italian scene. In the various Salento locations, which have hosted the festival in the first sixteen editions, have featured international artists such as Kings of Convenience, Lee Ranaldo, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Cat Power, Suzanne Vega, Peter Hook & The Light, Skatalites, Joan as Police Woman, Finn Andrews, Patrick Watson, J.P. Bimeni & The Black Belts, Giant Sand, Hollie Cook, Gogol Bordello, Mad Professor, Bombino, Russell Leetch (Editors), Arab Strap, Black Midi, Dengue Dengue Dengue, the Italians Baustelle, Calcutta, Franco126, Mannarino, Avion Travel, Negrita, Lo Stato Sociale, Calibro 35, Brunori Sas, Be Forest, Diaframma, Any Other, Lorenzo Kruger, Venerus, Ariete, Francesco Bianconi, Cristina Donà, Cristiano Godano, Paolo Benvegnù, Roberto Angelini, Bud Spencer Blues Explosion, Coma_Cose, Galeffi, Eugenio In Via di Gioia, Andrea Poggio, Siberia, Canova, Colombre, Giorgio Poi, Bugo, Daniele Silvestri, Cosmo, Verdena, Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti, Vallanzaska, Teatro degli Orrori, One Dimensional Man, La Municipàl and many others from Puglia, Italy and the rest of the world. Since 2009 it has been supported (through various measures) by the Region of Puglia and since 2017 it has been recognized by the Ministry of Culture’s Single Fund for Performing Arts among festivals worthy of support. In 2017 and 2018, the Festival is also funded by SIAE’s Sillumina call for proposals. Info 3331803375 – www.seifestival.it Facebook – Instagram @SeiFestival #seifestival #mydesire

Previous Editions


Thursday, July 28th to Sunday, July 31st in the Castello Volante of Corigliano d’Otranto, With the claim #ShapeTheFuture, the sixteenth edition of the SEI Festival, conceived, produced and promoted by Coolclub proposed a dense program of concerts, meetings, screenings and other moments of discussion. Among guests Arab Strap, Black Midi, Dengue Dengue Dengue, Ditonellapiaga, Mombao, Nickodemus, Ceri and other national and international guests who performed in the atrium, terraces and moat of the ancient fortress.

The festival kicked off Thursday, July 28th on the Terrace of “Nuvole – Cibi, storie, culture,” the Castle’s workshop of taste and spirits, with the presentation of the book “In the labyrinth. Thom Yorke. Stories, myth and music” by Luca Castelli (Sperling & Kupfer) and in the Sala Cavallerizza with the first screening curated by Seeyousound Lecce with B-movie: Lust & sound in the West Berlin 1979-1989. The line-up for the 16th edition was opened by the live performance of Giorgio Tuma with the Koko Tutu Mama group with tracks from his EP dedicated to bossanova and Brazilian music being released by Elefant records, and the solo project of Koko, singer, bassist and songwriter of Be Forest, in which she experiments with sound and new lyrical approaches. On the Main Stage, set up in the Moat, the first evening featured the Turkish psychedelia of Lalalar and the inimitable blend of Arab Strap. On stage the Scottish duo, composed by Moffat and Malcolm Middleton, performed songs from the album “As Days Get Dark,” among others.

On Friday, July 29th the second evening started on the Terrace of “Nuvole – Cibi, Storie, culture” with the meeting“Puglia da scoprire, i luoghi dello spettacolo fra musica e politiche culturali,” continuing with the screening by Seeyousound Lecce, in the Sala Cavallerizza of Betty Davis: They say I’m different by Philip Cox and with the immersive listening of “From Ecstasy to Trance” a sensory journey curated by Flower of Sound. The atrium featured young Bari-based Lazzaretto, and the Tuscan duo Aquarama. In the Moat, space was given to live performances by 72-Hour post fight and Black Midi, a London-based trio consisting of Geordie Greep (guitar, lead vocals), Cameron Picton (bass, vocals) and Morgan Simpson (drums) who, with saxophonist Kaidi Akinnibi and keyboardist Seth Evans, performed songs from the “Cavalcade” recording project. The evening ended in the atrium with Planet Opal, an electronic music project formed by Giorgio Assi (producer, synthesizers and vocals) and Leonardo De Franceschi (drums and percussion).

On Saturday, July 30th the evening opened on the Terrace of Nuvole with the presentation of the book “Possible music. From the cylinder to the auto-tune, history of the relationship between popular music and technology” by Dino Mignogna (Arcana). In the Sala Cavallerizza, a preview was made of the documentary that rescounts the experience of Feelm – From primitives to the future directed by Davide Faggiano and produced by Coolclub in the programming Puglia Sounds Producers 2022 (POC Puglia 2007/2013 – Action “Development of cultural activities and entertainment). From June 20th to 25th, the Castello Volante hosted, in fact, the second edition of the artistic residency dedicated to the relationship between contemporary music and early cinema. Directed by Ginevra Nervi, the work was dedicated to Elettra Raggio, a diva and pioneer of silent cinema, with the soundtrack of the feature film “La morte che assolve” by Carlo Alberto Lolli (1918). The third day of the festival hosted at the center of the Atrium the Mombao, a project based on percussion, voices and electronics, very powerful and original, somewhere between a ritual, a performance and a rock concert. Double live in the Moat with the trio Mundial, which recovers old stories and nursery rhymes using a sound characterized by sampling the sounds of the Apulian landscape, edited and transformed into rhythmic patterns, and Dengue Dengue Dengue, a Peruvian tropical bass duo that mixes psychedelic cumbia and dub, salsa and footwork, tribal and techno. Grand finale in the atrium with selections by New York DJ and producer Nickodemus and the sounds of the Tropical party feat. Dubin and Federico Primiceri.

Finally, onSunday, July 31st, the last evening has opened in the Sala Cavallerizza with a screening of the documentary Jagged – Alanis Morisette by Alison Klayman, edited by Seeyousound Lecce. While the immersive listening by Flower of Sound concluded on the terraces, live performances by Adastra kicked off in the atrium. In the Moat the performer LaHasna took the stage, a Milanese woman of Moroccan origin with sounds that recall the Arab world, and Ditonellapiaga, one of the revelations of the last Sanremo Festival paired with Donatella Rettore, who with her debut album “Camouflage” excited public and critics, winning the prestigious Targa Tenco as best debut. Immediately after in consoles between the Atrium and Cavallerizza, space was given to Rome In Reverse, a trio that proposed a mix of dance, techno, dub and trip hop, and Ceri, one of the most innovative and influential producers on the Italian scene (Salmo, Coez, Calcutta, Franco 126, Frah Quintale and Crookers), “the demiurge of Italian street pop, with beats that combine hip hop, songwriting tradition and dancefloor branded house.”

Also this year, the SEI proposed someOFFdates. On Monday, August 15th, at the Tagghiate Urban Factory in Lecce Ferragosto hcas been celebrated with the multiform project PopX , a completely renewed and impactful show that retraced historical and new songs extracted from its now 15-year career, and bnkr44, a Tuscan band that mixes hip hop, pop and electronic elements. Instead, Parco Gondar of Gallipoli hosted two evenings with the concert of Venerus, a rising star of singer-songwriting who, exactly one year after the very successful “Magica Musica tour,” is back to perform his new show “Estasi degli Angeli”, the DJ set by Mace, one of the most important producers of new Italian music (August 8th) and the performance of Psicologi, exponents of the “post-millennials” generation, who tell the complexity of the world around them with truth and compositional intelligence(August 20th).

Conceived, produced and promoted by Coolclub, under the artistic direction of Cesare Liaci, one of the most important festivals in the musical agenda of all of southern Italy, which in recent years got the recognition from Fus – tFondo Unico per lo spettacolo of Mibac, is realized in collaboration with Dice.fm, Vini Garofano and numerous public and private entities. Since 2006 SEI – Sud Est indipendente Festival has brought to Salento the most interesting sounds of Italian and international music, offering the public a wide and varied overview of music from punk to singer-songwriter, rock to ska, folk to upbeat rhythms, electronic to the new Italian scene. In the various Salento locations that hosted the festival in the first 15 editions hosted international artists such as Kings of Convenience, Lee Ranaldo, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Cat Power, Suzanne Vega, Peter Hook & The Light, Skatalites, Joan as Police Woman, Finn Andrews, Patrick Watson, J.P. Bimeni & The Black Belts, Giant Sand, Hollie Cook, Gogol Bordello, Mad Professor, Bombino, Russell Leetch (Editors), the Italians Baustelle, Calcutta, Franco126, Mannarino, Avion Travel, Negrita, Lo Stato Sociale, Calibro 35, Brunori Sas, Be Forest, Diaframma, Any Other, Lorenzo Kruger, Venerus, Ariete, Francesco Bianconi, Cristina Donà, Cristiano Godano, Paolo Benvegnù, Roberto Angelini, Bud Spencer Blues Explosion, Coma_Cose, Galeffi, Eugenio In Via di Gioia, Andrea Poggio, Siberia, Canova, Colombre, Giorgio Poi, Bugo, Daniele Silvestri, Cosmo, Verdena, Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti, Vallanzaska, Teatro degli Orrori, One Dimensional Man, La Municipàl and many others from Puglia, Italy and the rest of the world.

Previous Editions


VINICIO CAPOSSELA, VENERUS, ARIETE, FRANCESCO BIANCONI, CRISTINA DONÀ, CRISTIANO GODANO, PAOLO BENVEGNÙ, BOMBINO AND ADRIANO VITERBINI, ROBERTO ANGELINI, COLOMBRE, GIANLUCA DE RUBERTIS, VIPRA were only some of the guests at the fifteenth edition of the SEI Festival. With the claim #wecanbeheroes, from July 11th to August 27th between the Castello Volante of Corigliano d’Otranto and the historic center of Melpignano, the Salento festival conceived, produced and promoted by Coolclub, under the artistic direction of Cesare Liaci, proposed a dense program of concerts, presentations, meetings, artistic residencies and other moments of confrontation.

The festival at the Castello Volante in Corigliano d’Otranto hosted : Cristiano Godano (July 11th), Gianluca De Rubertis (July 16th), C’mon Tigre (July 29th), the final concerts of the artistic residency FeelM with Underspreche, JD Twitch, Populous, Valentina Magaletti, Donato Epiro, Marco Erroi, Stefano Luigi Mangia, Max Nocco, Rachele Andrioli, Kakofonic (July 30th and 31st), Roberto Angelini (August 5th), Paolo Benvegnù (August 6th), Manu Funk and Nervi (August 8th), Bombino and Adriano Viterbini (August 12th), Inude and Post Nebbia (August 13th), Oscar Giammarinaro (August 17th), Sofia Brunetta and Tuma (August 20th), Tutti Fenomeni and La Malasorte (August 21st), Yorker and L’Edera (August 22th), Colombre and Vipera (August 26th), and Cristina Donà (August 27th). Instead, in Piazza San Giorgio in Melpignano landed Venerus (July 23rd), Vinicio Capossela (August 3rd), singer-songwriter Francesco Bianconi, leader of Baustelle (August 14th), singer-songwriter Aries and the young artist Vipra (August 15th).

The festival also hosted a program of book presentations (among the guests: Graziano Gala, Doriana Tozzi, Giulia Cavaliere, Francesco Bianconi, Cristò, Mattia Zecca), workshops for children with Fermenti Lattici, in collaboration with Storie cucite a mano, activities for boys and girls by SwapMuseum, a section dedicated to music cinema in collaboration with Turin’s Seeyousound festival, tree planting in collaboration with EcoFesta Puglia and the municipality of Melpignano, and (from July 19th to 25th) the artistic residency “Club 27 – Il mio mito” by actor and director Ippolito Chiarello.

Unfortunately, for the still uncertain situation because of Covid19, Pixies‘ long-awaited live show, sponsored by SEI Festival in collaboration with Dna Concerti and Locus Festival, has been postponed for another year. The US band, one of the most important in rock history, will perform in Lecce on August 16th, 2022 . Ticket holders (bought for previous dates announced in 2020 and 2021) will be able to keep their tickets and enjoy the concert a year from now.

Previous Editions

2020 Edition

“After an initial moment of bewilderment and daze,” stresses artistic director Cesare Liaci, “we decided to start making music again: first on the web and now, finally, live. The experience of #Seiacasa has been useful not only to hear and play fresh proposals and old friends of the festival but also to deepen and dissect one of the main questions of this period. What will happen to live performances? How will we organize concerts following the anticovid rules? So,” Liaci continues, “playing with “Where is my mind?” title of a iconic Pixies’ song, we decided to title this edition of the festival #whereismylive.”.

After tackling the lockdown with the web format #SeiACasa, the Sei festival – realized with the support of Fus – Single Fund for the Performing Arts of Mibac and Regione Puglia and Teatro Pubblico Pugliese in the “Programmazione Custodiamo la cultura in Puglia”, in collaboration with Ferrovie SudEst (official carrier), Vestas Travel and Vini Garofano, and with media partners Radio Wau, RadioSonar, RKO, Alpaca Music, Le Rane and Sei tutto l’indie di cui ho bisogno – thus offered a rich summer season that also included book presentations and meetings.

From July 18th to August 22nd in the Castello Volante of Corigliano d’Otranto kicked off the fourteenth edition of the SEI festival, conceived, produced and promoted by Coolclub, under the artistic direction of Cesare Liaci. The festival kicked off in July with Inude, Les contes d’Alfonsina and Giardini di Mirò, continuing in August with Beatrice Antolini, Dente, Vinicio Capossela, Napoli Segreta, Giovanni Truppi, Erica Mou, Lucio Corsi, Julielle, lefrasiincompiutiediElena, Bartolini and La Malasorte. Instead, the long-awaited live performance by Pixies scheduled in Lecce for August 29th and promoted by Sei Festival in collaboration with Dna Concerti and Locus Festival has been postponed for a year. The U.S. band will perform on August 16th, 2022, also in the Salento capital.

The Castello Volante program was completed, moreover, by two appointments of SEIYoung, a review dedicated to young bands and artists Under 35, also promoted by CoolClub, in collaboration with the Sei festival, with the support of Mibact and Siae, as part of the “Per chi crea” program, which hosted La Municipàl and Motta.

Thanks to support from the Puglia Sounds Live 2020/2021 Programmingof the Puglia Region (FSC 2014/2020 Patto per la Puglia – Investiamo nel vostro futuro), the festival was held in the Castello Volante of Corigliano d’Otranto in September as well. Friday 4 saw the official presentation of Albanian cellist Redi Hasa‘s first solo album. “The Stolen Cello” (Decca Records). On Friday, September 11th, the Sei Festival hosted “Cosa sono le nuvole” with singer Rachele Andrioli and accordionist Rocco Nigro. Finally, on Tuesday, September 5th, Salento trumpeter Cesare Dell’Anna and Albanian pianist Ekland Hasa performed a complex and refined repertoire investigating the border musics of the two countries facing each other on the Adriatic Sea.

Previous Editions


Lee Ranaldo, Leah Singer, Calcutta, Franco126, Sergio Cammariere, Joan as Police Woman, Finn Andrews, Giant Sand, Patrick Watson, Be Forest, Diaframma, Any Other, J.P. Bimeni & The Black Belts, Gabriele Poso Organik Trio, Contini, Dimartino and many other guests: the “summer session” of the SEI Festival was held in Salento between July and August 2019.

The festival, signed by CoolClub, under the artistic direction of Cesare Liaci, supported by Fus – Fondo Unico per lo Spettacolo del Mibac and the Puglia Region (Public Notice for the Performing Arts and Cultural Activities FSC 2014-2020 – Patto per la Puglia), supported by B94, Vestas Travel and Candido 1859 in collaboration with the Municipalities of Corigliano d’Otranto, Lecce and Gallipoli, Indie Pride, CoreACore, RadioWau and other public and private partners, accompanied residents, fans and tourists throughout the Salento summer.

Previous Editions


The SEI Festival, conceived, organized and promoted by Cooperativa CoolClub, under the artistic direction of Cesare Liaci, supported by the Apulia Region under the Public Notice for the Performing Arts and Cultural Activities FSC 2014-2020 – Pact for Apulia and, for the first time, by Fus – Fondo Unico dello Spettacolo of Mibac, under the patronage of the Municipalities of Lecce and Corigliano d’Otranto and the Distretto Produttivo Puglia Creativa, for the second year was the winner of the “Sillumina” call for entries by Mibac and Siae.

Waiting for the summer concerts, Manifatture Knos in Lecce hosted a review with a Tribute to Syd Barrett (February 28th),the Austrians Ant Antic (March 21st), the presentation of the music compilationKM97(April 18th) and Irish-born singer-songwriter Candice Gordon (May 23rd). SEI also hosted PianoForme with Toni Tarantino and Clio Evans (February 9th at Teatro Paisiello in Lecce), the“Serial Things” party (February 10th at Officine Cantelmo in Lecce), the show with Dente and Guido Catalano (March 9th at Officine Cantelmo in Lecce), ClaxonFest Vol. 3 with Marco Ancona, Elektrojezus, Blumosso, Massimo Donno, Lamansarda, Edro, Kill Emil, A Copy for Collapse (April 24th at Castello di Corigliano d’Otranto), Quanto SEI Rainbow? with Sem&Stènn (April 27th at Istanbul Café in Squinzano), Quanto SEI Young? with Flows and MaYha (April 30th at Officine Cantelmo in Lecce).

Bud Spencer Blues Explosion, Coma_Cose, Galeffi, Eugene In Via di Gioia, Andrea Poggio, Siberia, La Répétition – Orchestra senza confini, Gigante, Muffx, Carmine Tundo, Makai, Minimanimalist, Le Scrimmie sulla Luna, Blumosso, Serena Spedicato and Salvatore Casaluce were the musical guests of the 12th of the SEI Festival. From Thursday, July 26th to Sunday, July 29th in San Cataldo of Lecce, in addition to four evenings of music with performances by some of the most interesting realities of the young Italian rock, singer-songwriter and electronic scene, it welcomed book presentations (Carlo D’Amicis, Leonardo Palmisano, Lamantice, Matteo Casilli, Adelmo Monachese, Dino Mignogna, Roberto Guido), seminars and workshops (Gianluca Testani, Fabrizio Galassi and Leonello Bertolucci), exhibitions, installations and appointments for youngest (Kids Rock!, the photo exhibition “Apulia and Rock,” the illustrations by the Lamantice colletive and Andy Trema, author of the artist manifesto of Sei 2018, Artbit – Sensory Installation by Swapmuseum and Poiesis) and a series of activities dedicated to accessibility (Tactile Map of the hostel, Festival Program in Braille and High readability). The festival appendix also hosted Cosmo (August 9th) who exploded in the summer of 2016 thanks to the single “The Last Party”.

The SEI Festival also hosted a section entirely dedicated to international guests with Suzanne Vega (July 14th in Corigliano d’Otranto), Hollie Cook (August 4th in Corigliano d’Otranto), Bombino (August 18th in Lecce), Mad Professor guest of the Tropical Party (September 1st in Corigliano d’Otranto).

The extra section of the festival hosted performances by Lorenzo Kruger (August 28th in Corigliano d’Otranto), Serena Spedicato with “Le Voci di Genova” (August 29th in Corigliano d’Otranto), La Répétition (August 31st in Corigliano d’Otranto) and Dario Muci (August 31st in Lecce), the duo Rachele Andrioli and Rocco Nigro (September 7th in Lecce), Filippo Bubbico (September 20th in Lecce), Kalàscima (October 12th in Lecce), and Massimo Donno (December 7th in Corigliano d’Otranto).

The twelfth edition of the SEI Festival (which involved a rich partnership with Fermenti Lattici, Poiesis, Swap Museum, Sum, Km97, Manigold and with media partners SentireAscoltare, BlogFoolk and Radio Wau) was also made possible thanks to the collaboration of two sponsors who married and supported the project: the Vestas Hotel & Resort group with whom hospitality packages were designed for tourists who will follow the festival concerts and Birrificio B94, which created an exclusive production of SEI-branded craft beers.

Previous Editions


From Friday, July 28th to Sunday, July 30th, the Ostello del Sole in San Cataldo of Lecce hosted the 11th edition of the SEI Festival. On the three evenings Handlogic, Inude, I Misteri del Sonno, Uro, Montana, Buckwise (July 28th), Canova, Colombre, Giorgio Poi, Maffei!, Buckingum Palace and Dj Vadim (July 29th) and, for a new and special project, La Municipàl and La Giovane Orchestra del Salento conducted by Claudio Prima (July 30th) took turns on stage. From 8:30 PM the Hostel was open to the public with a literary aperitif involving Omar Di Monopoli, Ilaria Macchia and Simona Toma, an exhibition and workshop for children on the Beatles by Fermenti Lattici, and an installation by artist Paolo Ferrante. Until July 27th, the festival also offered the workshop Artbit – MuSei that sound! created by Swapmuseum with DJ, musician and producer Populous. After the three-day event in San Cataldo, the festival offered some “out-of-scheduled” performances: Lo Stato Sociale and Baustelle (Saturday, August 12th and Sunday, August 13th in Melpignano as part of the collaboration with the So What Festival), Mannarino (Wednesday, August 16th at Parco Gondar in Gallipoli) and Le Luci della Centrale Elettrica (Saturday, August 19th in Lecce’s Roman Amphitheater).

Previous Editions


From Friday, July 15th to Sunday, July 17th, 2016, theOstello del Sole in San Cataldo of Lecce hosted the tenth edition of SEI Festival, a festival conceived and organized by the CoolClub Cooperative, under the artistic direction of Cesare Liaci, and under the patronage of the Municipality of Lecce. (click on title to continue)

Previous Editions



After wandering around Salento (Otranto, Gallipoli, Torre Regina Giovanna, Lecce, Torre dell’Orso, Masseria Torcito and other locations) The Sei Festival lands in 2015 in San Cataldo of Lecce, for its ninth edition. Among the protagonists are Russell Leetch Editors’ bassist, Is Tropical, Populous, Giuda, Fast Animals and Slow Kids, Donpasta, Sofia Brunetta, and bands from the Rivolta Records label. From July 24th to 26yh, the Lecce marina of San Cataldo hosted three days full of music, meetings and book presentations, showcases, sports and children’s activities.
Previous Editions


Cat Power, Mannarino, Avion Travel, Afterhours, Bud Spencer Blues Explosion and Brunori Sas were the main guests of the eighth edition of Sud Est Indipendente.

On Thursday, July 24th in Torre Regina Giovanna in Apani, in the province of Brindisi, the festival kicked off with a concert-event by Cat Power an icon of the global alternative rock scene, organized in collaboration with Torre Regina Giovanna and Radar Concerti. The U.S. singer-songwriter arrived for the first time in Salento for one of the two Italian stops on her “Sun” world tour. The all-female evening was opened by three Apulian singer-songwriters, Una, Mery Fiore and Sofia Brunetta. In closing space was given to the selectinos of Panic Indie Rock.

On Friday, August 1st, the festival moved to Parco Gondar in Gallipoli (LE) for a concert by Afterhours, one of the cult bands of rock made in Italy, for one of the dates of the “Hai Paura del Buio? – Tour 2014.” The concert was opened by Muffx, I Misteri del Sonno, La Gente and closed by Ballarock‘s DJ.

On Friday, August 8th, Lecce ‘sRoman Amphitheater featured Avion Travel, who, almost 10 years after their last tour together, returned to perform in concert with the historic lineup (Peppe Servillo, Fausto Mesolella, Mario Tronco, Mimì Ciaramella, Ferruccio Spinetti, Peppe D’Argenzio) that made them known and loved by the general public.

On Saturday, August 9th and Sunday, August 10th, Sud Est Indipendente met the Green Sound Festival, promoted by the social promotion association “LeMiriadi49,” organized in collaboration with the environmental educators group “Il Formicaio” and CoolClub. Guests of the first evening were Non Giovanni, Leitmotiv and Brunori Sas, who presented songs from his new record project “Il cammino di Santiago in Taxi.” On Sunday Thee Elephant presented their eponymous debut album, a record of songs written with the intention of mixing the strong tones of the lyrics with a biting and at the same time elegant rock. Sharing the stage with them is Brindisi singer-songwriter Oh Petroleum. Closing is the unmistakable blend of the Bud Spencer Blues Explosion with their third album “BSB3.”

On Wednesday, August 13th, the eighth edition of the festival ended in Piazza Libertini with a concert by Roman singer-songwriter Alessandro Mannarino for a leg of the tour the artist has been taking to the stages of Italy to promote his new album “Al Monte.“[:en]#SEIfestival 2014 – July 24th @ Torre Regina Giovanna in Apani, Brindisi featuring Cat Power

August 1st @ Parco Gondar of Gallipoli (LE) with Afterhours, Muffx, I Misteri del Sonno, La Gente and Ballarock’s dj set

August 8th @ Roman Amphitheater in Lecce with Avion Travel; 9/10 with Non Giovanni, Leitmotiv, Brunori Sas, Domenica Thee Elephant, Oh Petroleum and Bud Spencer Blues Explosion

August 13th in Lecce with Mannarino