

Saturday, July 20th | 21:30 PM
Corigliano D’Otranto | Castello Volante
Ticket 12 euros
Presales available at Dice.fm and Ticketmaster.it

A diary of experiences lived between folk, indie-pop and songwriter: “La musica di Forte” is Lorenzo Forte ‘sproject. From the Salento region, born in 1988, he is a self-taught singer and guitarist, who, after playing in some rock bands, begins his new adventure as a singer-songwriter. In 2020 he debuts with “Amore doni, amore vuoi” : nine songs about love and hate, about the passing of time and the difficulties of holding firm in a world of relative certainties. In 2022 two songs from the album(Bo and Anni) are included in the soundtrack of the fifth season of the successful series Skam Italy directed by Tiziano Russo. May 2023 sees the release of ENI, a second record work produced by Ada Music Italy. It’s characterized by a soft and raw sound at the same time, many questions and few answers. ENI is an authentic and complicated record that tries to say and understand all that we often keep only to ourselves. Romantic, intimate and melancholic, the singer-songwriter tells stories of everyday life that belong ,in one way or another, to each of us . A journey through vintage sounds, melodies with a singer-songwriter flavor, cryptic lyrics and arrangements that are at times bursting, at times minimal; a journey in which cathartic and obsessive moments give way to moments of respite and reflection, with typical northern European sounds immersed in the most traditional Italian singer-songwriter music. In 2023, director Tiziano Russo, after Forte’s collaboration for Skam Italy, chose the song Fulmini for “Noi anni luce”, his first feature film with Caterina Guzzanti and Fabio Troiano. Over the years, Forte has performed at various festivals and clubs and opened live shows for Gazzelle and ComaCose. He was a finalist for the Fabrizio De André Prize 2024.



Saturday, July 20th| 21:30 PM
Corigliano D’Otranto | Catello Volante
Ticket 12 euros
Presales available at Dice.fm and Ticketmaster.it


Emma Nolde was born in Tuscany in 2000. At the age of fifteen she starts writing songs in English, but not long after that, Italian songwriting takes over. At the RockContest 2019 she won the Ernesto De Pascale award for best song with lyrics in Italian for the song “Nero Ardesia” and in September 2020 Toccaterra, her first album, was released on the Woodworm/Polydor label. Toccaterra was received by the public and insiders in a really important way and Emma is, without a shadow of a doubt, considered one of the future voices of Italian music. The albus was a finalist for the Tenco Prize in the Opera Prima section. An unreleased together with Generic Animal“,a bunch of keys, an umbrella in the middle there“, was released in November 2021. Emma is featured with a track on Zen Circus‘ featuring album that was released in May 2022. The track is titled “the devil is a child.”Dormi“, Emma’s second record, comes two years after “Toccaterra” and was anticipated by the singles “Respiro” and “La stessa parte della luna“, both co-produced by Francesco Motta, who worked with Emma on the production of the entire record, released in September 2022. These have been years of intense live and studio activity, years in which the artist was able to observe, absorb and prepare for what will be the follow-up to Dormi, which promises to attest Emma as one of the pivotal voices of the new Italian music scene.



Sunday, July 21st | 9:30 PM
Corigliano D’Otranto | Castello Volante
Tickets available at the box office.



Nebüla, the stage name of Azzurra Buccoliero, singer and multi-instrumentalist of the band Blùmia, who between 2016 and 2019 was a protagonist of the Apulian electronic music scene with the album “Wild Type“. After the Blùmia interlude, the Taranto artist based in Milan embarked on the adventure of her new solo project Nebüla, releasing the first LP “Supernovae” (Seahorse Records, 2021), characterized by sounds very close to the Italian indie scene. Her new single “The Voicesof the Desert“, a mix of electronic sounds and psychedelic guitars with pressing rhythms, is an intense composition with dream-pop overtones, charmingly melancholic, telling about the sense of loss of the ego in contemporary man, immersed in a silent nature where the song of wolves speaks to our wild and animal part: a duel between irrationality and control. “The Voices of the Desert” is the single anticipating her new EP, produced by NOS Records and distributed by Believe Music.



Friday, July 26th | 21:30 PM
Corigliano D’Otranto | Castello Volante
Tickets available at the box office


Maladè is the alias of Vincenzo Guerra, a drummer from Puglia. Maladé corners the interlocutor, leaving him suspended between hate and love. The word takes on a different meaning when used to express a state of mind. In this case it emphasizes melancholy, loneliness and dissatisfaction. The project translates into music the urban Mediterranean scenarios of the Adriatic side. The musical themes, minimalist and recurring, interpret the visual and social everydayness that the artist has experienced for much of his life, an everydayness from which one is often forced to escape in order to accomplish goals. Maladé ‘s astonishment manifests itself in the goal itself: to narrate that enemy everyday life that nevertheless unwittigly characterizes his artistic language. Music becomes the need to tell about the contrast of emotions that would otherwise risk implosion: running away from one’s homeland or living with the melancholy of it?



Saturday, July 27th | 21:30 PM
Corigliano D’Otranto | Castello Volante
Ticket 10 euros
Presales available at Dice.fm and Ticketmaster.it

With the release of the last episode linked to Shock!, the single NON SENTO PIÚ released in 2023 digitally and on vinyl on the Tour named after him, The Bluebeaters will present a setlist drawn mainly from the last two albums with Pat Cosmo on vocals, Everybody Knows (2015) and Shock! (2020). The former, released by Record Kicks, a record stuffed with super classics of the Jamaican genre (Somebody Has Stolen My Girl, I Don’t Know) with a few bets in Pop like Toxic or When Love Takes Over, the latter released by Garrincha Dischi, with songs instead all Italian and original songs, including the single Mamma Perdonami (feat. Coez) and Non Sento Più. In short, lots of news and still a great desire to make the audience dance to the band that par excellence has been playing Ska and Rocksteady with attitude and passion for 30 years. In fact, in 2024, on March 18, The Bluebeaters celebrated 30 years since their first appearance on stage at Hiroshima Mon Amour in Turin.



Wednesday, August 7th | 9:30 PM
Corigliano D’Otranto | Castello Volante
Ticket 20 euros
Presales available at Dice.fm and Ticketmaster.it

The long and splendid career of La Crus started in Milan in 1995; Mauro Ermanno Giovanardi, Cesare Malfatti and Alex Cremonesi put their innovative art at the public’s disposal, which would leave an indelible mark on that unrepeatable musical season of the 1990s with albums and singles that would enter the historical memory of the public and Italian discography. Their works have received the Ciampi Award, the Targa Tenco (twice), theMax Generation Critics’ Award and PIM (conceived by Musica! Di Repubblica and Radio DeeJay), just to name a few. They have participated in the most prestigious Festivals, from Villa Arconati, to Recanati to the 1st May Contert through very long tours touching the most prestigious Theaters in Italy and collaborating with exceptional names including, Giorgio Armani, Gino Paoli, Alan Sorrenti, Manuel Agnelli, Cristina Donà, Samuele Bersani, Patty Pravo, Nada, Riccardo Tesi, Davide Rossi and many others…
At the Sanremo Festival in 2011 they presented the iconic “Io Confesso“, the moral winner of the edition, now back to shine also thanks to the precious featuring of Carmen Consoli to seal the long-awaited reunion finally announced on October 27, 2023 while the new year was launched with “Come ogni volta“, perhaps the most representative song of the band that is reborn like the phoenix and shines with new light also thanks to the extraordinary participation of Colapesce Dimartino. The new album released in March 2024 brings back to the stage, as well as great emotions, Joe / Mauro Ermanno Giovanardi (vocals and harmonica), Cesare Malfatti (guitars and samples), Chiara Castello (keyboards and backing vocals), Marco Carusino (bass and guitars) and Leziero Rescigno (drums); a completely new lineup for an engaging and fascinating live show with a powerful and sophisticated sound.



Thursday, August 8th | 21:30
Corigliano D’Otranto | Castello Volante
Tickets available at the box office

All the songs proposed will be in Grico, most of them composed by Valerio Daniele and Ninfa Giannuzzi. In fact, at the heart of the project is the writing of new music and lyrics and the search for a personal style where themes, words and poetry are placed in the current historical context. An ancient and sanguine remnant, the backbone of past communities, in the duo’s work Grico changes function and is sublimated into an expressive register. It is transposed in often paradoxical, imaginative terms and played as a kaleidoscopic carousel of sounds and images. On the musical side, the duo brings to life entirely new material, keeping under their skins the link with tradition but seeking a sound deliberately suspended between acoustic, electric and electronic, treating lyrics and melodies freely and untethered from belonging to specific musical languages. The arrangements thus range in different sound areas, touching on genres but with the clear intention of not adhering to any of them. Along with Ninfa Giannuzzi (singing, ukulele, synth) and Valerio Daniele (baritone guitar and electronics), two exceptional musicians embellish the sound of the project:Giorgio Distante on trumpet and tuba and Fabio Moschettini on classical guitar and ukulele.




Friday, August 9th | 9:30 PM
Melpignano | Piazza Antonio Avantaggiato
Ticket 52.91 euros
Presales available at Dice.fm, Ticketmaster.it,

After the reunion and the subsequent exhibition “Felicitazioni! CCCP – Fedeli alla linea 1984-2024” in the St. Peter’s Cloisters in Reggio Emilia, after the “Grand Punkettone Gala of Words and Images” at the Romolo Valli Theater, the three sold-out dates at the Astra Kulturhaus in Berlin with the “CCCP in DDDR” concert and the release of the unpublished live album “Altro che nuovo nuovo”, the band is back on the live scene in Italy with the In Fedeltà la Linea C’è tour. Forty years after the first EP, “Orthodossia”, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, Massimo Zamboni, Annarella Giudici andDanilo Fatur Will take the stage at major Italian festivals. And among the eleven stages of one of the most eagerly awaited tours of the summer, Melpignano, a Grico municipality to which the band is deeply connected because of the incredible story of the Soviet Union tour told in the recent film “Kissing Gorbachev” by Andrea Paco Mariani e Luigi D’Alife, could not be missed at all.. Far from a nostalgic operation, always free from labels and boundaries, CCCP – Fedeli alla linea return by popular demand to speak to the world today, in a series of live shows between the sacred and the profane where the slogan “Produce, consume, crack” resonates as relevant as ever. A success, theirs, shaped by the ability to make every action iconic, leaving an indelible imprint in the imaginations of multiple generations.



Sunday, August 11th | 21:30
Lecce | Rudiae Archaeological Park
Ticket 12 euros
Presales available at Dice.fm and Ticketmaster.it

Massimo Silverio, 1992 class, is an author and musician born and raised in Cercivento (Udine) in the heart of the historical-geographical region of Carnia. He writes and sings in his native language, Cjarniel, a minority language of the Carnic Alps. Between the charm of the borderland and the tradition of an ancient idiom, Silverio forms his very personal language of poetry and sounds that mingle between classical and contemporary, popular and cultured, acoustic, electroacoustic and electronic.

<<I have always had a strong attraction to the sound and meaning of thewords that I heard coming from the mouths of my grandparents and parents. Timbres, melodies and shades of meaning that I no longer found in those of my peers. So for my music I used the language of my heart, the metrics and flavor of Friulian villotta combined with a raw sound, evocative and full of contrasts.>>

A research begun at a very young age that led him to the creation of an imaginary made of ancient places, faces and rituals translated into music through the use of classical instruments such as cello, double bass, prepared percussion, piano or popular instruments such as guzla – an instrument from the Dinaric alps – but also synthesizers, guitars, organs and above all the voice that takes the lead with light and intimate timbres, mixing Carnic and English to tell a minority yet universal story. After 2 self-produced EPs she arrives in 2023 to the release of her first album entitled HRUDJA,” the result of a meeting with producer Manuel Volpe(Rhabdomantic Orchestra) and the contribution of Piedmontese musician and performer Nicholas Remondino(Lamie, Stefano Battaglia, Vieri Cervelli Montel). Together they have created a work of contrasts, sound-filled silences that fall outside the boundaries of a musical genre. Hrudja” is the Lombard ancestor of the word “Grusa,” which in Friulian means the scab that is created when a wound heals, a metaphor for rebirth and healing but also a coat of arms, a reminder of something that is disappearing.




Monday, August 12th | 9:30 PM
Corigliano D’Otranto | Castello Volante
Ticket 28.75 euros
Presales available at Dice.fm and Ticketmaster.com.

The story of the band’s international success, named after a Soho club, is that of a life that changes suddenly, by accident. It is called Bar Italia, as the sizzling neon green sign at the entrance reads. It is open 7 days a week, from 7 a.m. to 4 a.m., and is one of London’s iconic nightlife spots. For some time now, Bar Italia has also been the name of a trio consisting of Jezmi Tarik Fehmi, Sam Fenton and Nina Cristante. In 2023 they released The Twits, their second record after Tracey Denim. Two records different from each other, but united by a certain aura of mystery in the songs, capable of swaying from post-punk scratches to dreamier melodies. A kind of controlled chaos, obliquely paced, in a manner similar to Dry Cleaning’s alienations, with some sinister element moving in the background without us being able to grasp it.