

Thursday, August 29th | 21:30
Corigliano D’Otranto | Castello Volante
Tickets available at the box office

Dinamiche di volo” is Agnese Contini‘s first instrumental album, released last October (2023), in stores and digitally, produced by “Nos Records Label“, under the artistic direction of Amerigo Verardi (distribution “Believe Music Italia“). The release of the album – preceded by the first single of the same name – had been accompanied by the video clip of the song “Consapevole“, signed by director Piernicola Mele.

This last single tells of an introspective journey, that leads the listener to his or her deepest inner self, to arrive at a conscious knowledge of self. Agnese Contini explains, “When I started composing this song, the questions I asked myself most frequently were ‘How well do we really know each other ? How much do we respect each other?‘ Working on ourselves is not an easy task and contributing to our disorientation are the confusion of our lives, our dysfunctional thoughts and, very often, our egos. Knowing ourselves, instead, enables us to feel good about ourselves and others: to do it so, however, we need to change our perspective or to take a step back on our beliefs“.

Some of the tracks were embellished by the collaboration with Livio Bartolo (string and guitar arrangement), Matteo De Benedittis (piano), Feliciano Montagna (drums) and Stefano Compagnone (bass).

In April 2024, Agnese Contini released her new single, “Grandpa Cloud“. Published under the label “Inri Classic“, the new instrumental single, for now, is available in digital format. The single is a song with a delicate and ethereal sound: it tells about the author’s memories related to the maternal grandfather figure who passed away. “Grandpa Cloud“, in fact, from the English “Nonno Nuvola“, was the way Agnese used to jokingly call her grandfather because of his fluffy white hair.

Thirty-five years old, a composer and musician from Salento, Agnese Contini, in life is also a speech therapist, a profession she approached after her school studies because of some voice problems. In 2010 she received her degree in Speech Therapy, from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome; she will further refine her studies and skills at the Universities of Pisa and Bologna. In fact, her musical education began since childhood when returning from school, she spent her afternoons listening to her older sister studying piano supported by her grandfather’s old vinyls. At the age of eleven, she began self-taught playing his father’s acoustic guitar; she shaped her musical research and passion with Beatles and Queen records, giving special attention to Brian May’s brilliant and orchestral guitar playing. Subsequently, she began taking classical guitar lessons, studying, at the same time, speech therapy and, therefore, the voice and its pathologies. She specialized in artistic voice, curating and working precisely on her voice; she starts playing again and also begins to compose, discovering herself particularly at ease in the “solo” for acoustic guitar “fingerstyle“. Inspired by the sophistication (also spiritual) of George Harrison’s music, the open tunings used by Nick Drake and Jimmy Page, and the blues, country, and Celtic sounds of John Butler and Steph Strings, she composes thus “Dinamiche di volo“, her first album. Her music becomes, thus, a way to tell about herself and what she lives, defining, through notes, her reflections on the world and society; her playing, ultimately, is a continuous search for new sounds, but, at the same time, a way to communicate with people.