

VINICIO CAPOSSELA, VENERUS, ARIETE, FRANCESCO BIANCONI, CRISTINA DONÀ, CRISTIANO GODANO, PAOLO BENVEGNÙ, BOMBINO AND ADRIANO VITERBINI, ROBERTO ANGELINI, COLOMBRE, GIANLUCA DE RUBERTIS, VIPRA were only some of the guests at the fifteenth edition of the SEI Festival. With the claim #wecanbeheroes, from July 11th to August 27th between the Castello Volante of Corigliano d’Otranto and the historic center of Melpignano, the Salento festival conceived, produced and promoted by Coolclub, under the artistic direction of Cesare Liaci, proposed a dense program of concerts, presentations, meetings, artistic residencies and other moments of confrontation.

The festival at the Castello Volante in Corigliano d’Otranto hosted : Cristiano Godano (July 11th), Gianluca De Rubertis (July 16th), C’mon Tigre (July 29th), the final concerts of the artistic residency FeelM with Underspreche, JD Twitch, Populous, Valentina Magaletti, Donato Epiro, Marco Erroi, Stefano Luigi Mangia, Max Nocco, Rachele Andrioli, Kakofonic (July 30th and 31st), Roberto Angelini (August 5th), Paolo Benvegnù (August 6th), Manu Funk and Nervi (August 8th), Bombino and Adriano Viterbini (August 12th), Inude and Post Nebbia (August 13th), Oscar Giammarinaro (August 17th), Sofia Brunetta and Tuma (August 20th), Tutti Fenomeni and La Malasorte (August 21st), Yorker and L’Edera (August 22th), Colombre and Vipera (August 26th), and Cristina Donà (August 27th). Instead, in Piazza San Giorgio in Melpignano landed Venerus (July 23rd), Vinicio Capossela (August 3rd), singer-songwriter Francesco Bianconi, leader of Baustelle (August 14th), singer-songwriter Aries and the young artist Vipra (August 15th).

The festival also hosted a program of book presentations (among the guests: Graziano Gala, Doriana Tozzi, Giulia Cavaliere, Francesco Bianconi, Cristò, Mattia Zecca), workshops for children with Fermenti Lattici, in collaboration with Storie cucite a mano, activities for boys and girls by SwapMuseum, a section dedicated to music cinema in collaboration with Turin’s Seeyousound festival, tree planting in collaboration with EcoFesta Puglia and the municipality of Melpignano, and (from July 19th to 25th) the artistic residency “Club 27 – Il mio mito” by actor and director Ippolito Chiarello.

Unfortunately, for the still uncertain situation because of Covid19, Pixies‘ long-awaited live show, sponsored by SEI Festival in collaboration with Dna Concerti and Locus Festival, has been postponed for another year. The US band, one of the most important in rock history, will perform in Lecce on August 16th, 2022 . Ticket holders (bought for previous dates announced in 2020 and 2021) will be able to keep their tickets and enjoy the concert a year from now.